February 2018. Video Demonstration for National Portrait Gallery exhibition Victorian Giants

I was commissioned by National Portrait Gallery to produce a video demonstrating my practice with the wet collodion and albumen printing processes as part of the Victorian Giants exhibition.  

The commission was on display at the gallery until the 20th of May 2018.  The video was done by Mathew Lew and with support from Gerlind Lorch,  Georgia Atienza, Andrea Easey and Sabina Jaskot-Gill. 

 ©National Portrait Gallery

January 2018. Exhibition at the Photography Archive and Research Centre (PARC) of the University of The Arts London

From Tuesday 23rd of January until the end of March, the Photography Archive and Research Centre of the University of the Arts will be displaying the outcome of the commission they awarded me in April 2017. 

This participatory art project is based on a pop-up darkroom and portrait studio to create a series of tintype portraits that are part memorial to, and part celebration of its unique character.

PARC has also published the work in the Field Study journal. Both the exhibition and the publication will be part of the UAL Research  Fortnight 2018.  

December 2017. Residency at Whitechapel Gallery

From October 2017 until January 2018, I have been running a series of workshops for families, primary and secondary schools and teachers at the Whitechapel Gallery. This is part of a residency scheme with the Schools and Family Programme at the gallery. 

The residency with the Schools Programme involved the installation of a pop up darkroom and a temporary display at the Creative Studio Floor while other gallery floors where also transformed  during the Family Days. 

November 2017. Commission by The Photographers’ Gallery

This month I have been commissioned by The Photographers’ Gallery to set up a pop up CameraScanner studio for the HYPERANALOGUE weekend.  My Temporary Settlement series was on display at the Gallery during the weekend too.

I also have been teaching a Photographic Processes course at the Victoria and Albert Museum and a salt printing course at Photofusion. 

Documentation of the CameraScanner studio by Tim Bowditch. All other images ©Almudena Romero

October 2017. Performing Identities on exhibition at Four Corners in London and Studio BONG Gallery in Florence

This month my series Performing Identities has been displayed at Four Corners Gallery and at studio BONG Gallery. 

This month I have also started and arts the residency with the Family and the Schools Programme at the Whitechapel Gallery started which will end mid January 2018. 

At the same time, I have been invited to deliver artist talks and lectures at Westminster University and Kingston School of Arts- Kingston University. I have also run  a course on cyanotype printing and pinhole photography at National Portrait Gallery

August 2017. Instagram take over

I have being doing two take overs on Instagram during these holidays. First at The Photography Archive and Research Centre at the University of The Arts London and then for Fast Forward: Women In Photo. A research project by UCA Farham supported by The Lerverhulme Trust. 

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